• Biblical Peer Counseling, Wednesday, 1pm-4pm. If you are struggling with an issue, or just need someone to talk to, and desire Christ-centered counsel, contact Kathy Gulley below to schedule an appointment. Appointments are available on Wednesday afternoons. Click here for more info
  • Roots Young Adult Ministry, Wednesdays, 7pm. This ministry is for 18-25 year old’s and meets every Wednesday for a time of fellowship, worship, and study in God’s word.  Click here for more info
  • Youth Ministry, Thursdays, 6:30pm. The High School and Junior High ministry invites all 6th through 12th grade students to fellowship with us. This ministry builds relationships with God and people through discipleship, serving, studying the bible, and worshiping Jesus! Our mission is TO KNOW JESUS AND MAKE HIM KNOWN! Click here for more info
  • Faith Foundations, This ministry will be on a break until the end of August. New to the faith? Re-newed to faith? Do you have a desire to solidify your walk with Christ in His foundational truths from His Word? Join us every other Wednesday night from 7pm-8:30pm as we dig into God’s Word. Click here for more info

  • Honduras Mission Trip – August 2 -9
  • Tecate Orphanage Mission Trip – October (specific dates TBA)


Jesus said, “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” This abundance Jesus spoke of is not abundant wealth or abundant possessions, it’s abundant fruitfulness! Jesus has come that we might bear abundant fruit for God’s glory (John 15:8). And just like any fruit bearing tree, in order to bear abundant fruit we need to be planted in the right soil containing the right nutrients and the right amount of exposure. This is precisely what a Life Group is designed to offer, the goal being that we would all bear abundant spiritual fruit for God’s glory! Click here for more info

  • Children’s Ministry. Our Children’s Ministry is growing and with that grows our need for teachers, assistants, and toddler care. Contact Jesus Martinez for info or click here
  • Church Cleaning Ministry. For more information see Pastor DanO or click here.
  • Broadcast/Soundbooth. We are in need three teams of 3-4 people to be trained up and serve in the broadcast, sound and/or Proclaim (worship lyrics) parts of our ministry.  For more information see Sean in the soundbooth or click here.
  • Other opportunities to serve