Our new season of service times begins today! We will be in the Main Sanctuary for two services: 8:30am and 10:30am. Children’s Ministry will be available during the 10:30am service.
Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) we will have one service, outdoors, at 9:30am so that the entire church family can celebrate communion together. Children’s Ministry will be available.
We will also be having a monthly Sunday Spanish service the first Sunday of each month beginning August 1. This service will be at 9:30am in the Youth Ministry Room.
There are opportunities, as well as a needs, for servants for all services: Greeters, Ushers, Broadcast, Camera, Proclaim/PowerPoint (indoor services). Contact Pastor DanO for information and to get plugged in.
Upcoming Event
Saturday Night Live! Worship, Fellowship, Baptism and BBQ. Saturday, July 17, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
If you’re interested in being baptized contact Pastor DanP.
Plenty of opportunities to serve(food prep, set-up, cleanup, etc.). Contact Pastor DanO if you would like to help.