Tim and Kathy Fox
Tim was born in Columbus, OH and Kathy in Marshalltown, IA.
Tim holds a B.B.A. from Kent State University and a M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary. Kathy holds a B.S. from Asbury College and a M.A. from the University of Kentucky.
Their son Kevin is married to Laurelle and they have two daughters and a son. Their daughter Julie is married to Aubrey and they have two sons and a daughter. Both couples graduated from Biola University and reside in the Sacramento area.
Tim and Kathy served four years in stateside pastoral ministry and eleven years on the mission field. In the 90’s they planted a church in Mexico City. They have returned to Mexico after a thirteen year absence. They also ministered in Taiwan (Tim), Spain (Kathy), Costa Rica and Uruguay.
Guanajuato Gems:
Guanajuato is the capital city of the state of Guanajuato. According to the 2010 census, the population is 172,000, of which 96% is Catholic and about 1% Evangelical Christian. The city was founded in 1548 by Spaniards after finding large gold and silver reserves in the surrounding mountains. The city has an elevation of 6600 ft. It was the site of the first battle which started the Mexican War of Independence in 1810. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its rich history and architectural landmarks. Tourism has replaced mining as its major economic activity.
Church Planting in Guanajuato: There are very few Christ-centered churches in Guanajuato. Calvary Ventura sent the Foxes out in 2014 in accordance with Acts 13:1-3. Tim and Kathy established a family outreach center in a downtown rental space. They began with outreach to the unsaved through private marriage and family workshops based on God’s Word during the week with couples. Later they added evangelistic Bible studies as these couples see the practicality of God’s Word in their marriage and family relationships. Those who are born again are taught from books of the Bible in Sunday morning adult and children’s Bible study groups. The Sunday attenders also invite unsaved family and friends to join them. Apart from the Sunday studies, a discipleship study is offered for several months for those who seek to grow in their spiritual walk and koinonia. Tim and Kathy also train those who are growing in a sanctified life to come alongside and begin to take leadership roles. Eventually, through God’s grace and blessing, an indigenous, self-supporting and self-governing church body will be birthed and equipped to continue reaching out to their local community.
Opportunities for Co-laborers: M-1 (Missionary for one year). This is patterned after Tim’s experience in Taiwan. The missionary spends three months in language school in Guanajuato. They live with a Mexican family to learn the culture. They will serve as evangelists and also help in the church plant according to their gifts.
Missions trips: Calvary Ventura will organize short term mission teams to help with evangelism.
Prayer partners: If you would like to receive our prayer requests and updates, email us at timandkathyfox@hotmail.com and we will add you to our monthly email distribution list.
Financial partners: The Foxes’ visa does not permit them to earn an income in Mexico. All future offerings from the church in Guanajuato will be used for church related expenses. Therefore, if our Lord asks you to partner for Fox expenses, please send your check payable to Calvary Ventura and write Fox-MX in the memo. Or if you prefer to use a credit card click on the support button below. All gifts are receipted and tax deductible.
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